Micheline Montreuil

Micheline Anne Hélène Montreuil is a Quebec lawyer, teacher, writer, radio host, trade unionist and politician. As a transgender person, she became known for her legal struggles to defend her rights. On March 31, 2007, a nomination meeting without opposition chose her as the official candidate of the New Democratic Party (NPD) in the riding of Québec. [1] This made her the first transgender person in history to be nominated as an electoral candidate by a major political party in Canada.



Micheline Anne Hélène Montreuil was born Pierre Montreuil in Quebec City. [2] Born a male, Montreuil began using the first name Micheline in the 1980s. Montreuil studied Civil law, Common Law, management, industrial relations, ethics and education. On September 13, 2003, wearing a wedding gown, she married at the Quebec City Palais des arts the lawyer and author Michèle Morgan. [3] This is Montreuil's first marriage. She has worked as a lawyer at the Conseil de la justice administrative du Québec. Now, she is back as a lawyer in private practise and teacher of ethics, law and management at the Uqar, the Université du Québec à Rimouski. [4]

Political activism

Micheline made herself known with her struggles for transgender rights. For example, in 1997, she began a legal challenge against the Registrar of Civil Status of Quebec as she had not been permitted to legally change her name to Micheline. Following a court ruling in her favour, her request was finally accepted in 2002. (See Legal aspects of transsexualism.)

Also, in 1998, the National Bank refused to hire Micheline Montreuil. Although the bank argued that she was not hired because she was "overqualified, condescending and self-centered", in a judgement given on February 5 the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal ruled that the National Bank had discriminated against her on the basis of her gender identity. [5]

In 2004, she was elected president of Section 225 of the Syndicat de la fonction publique du Québec. In 2006, within the New Democratic Party of Canada, a federal party, she is Co-Chair of the NDP's federal LGBT Committee and a member of the NDP Federal Council. She has also served as a member of the administration councils of the Canadian Human Rights Trust and Egale Canada.

She was a candidate for the Liberal Party of Canada nomination in 1984 in the riding of Langelier, candidate for city councillor in the Saint-Sacrement District for the Progrès civique de Québec in 1993, and candidate for the nomination Saint-Roch et Saint-Jean Baptiste District for the Renouveau municipal de Québec in 2001. [6]

In 2007, she was acclaimed as NDP candidate for the federal riding of Québec for the NDP. Jack Layton, leader of the party, commented favourably on her candidacy, saying that he was pleased with her candidacy and that having candidates who could raise questions of equality showed that the NDP was quite open and that Quebecers were progressive enough to accept differences. [7] Her political objectives include the struggle against problems of poverty, unemployment and homelessness.[4]

However, the NDP dropped Montreuil as its candidate in December 2007. Montreuil alleged that the party had dropped her because of her gender identity, while party spokesman Matthew McLauchlin argued that she was dropped for being overly confrontational with both the media and her colleagues in the party.[8]


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